[Blog To Inbox] The Notary Journal
Legal Disclaimer:
According to Arizona law, our notaries are not attorneys and are not licensed to practice law in Arizona. Our notaries are not allowed to draft legal records, give advice on legal matters, including immigration or charge a fee for those activities. Our notaries only responsibility is to provide the notary services as set forth by the laws and statutes of Arizona. At AZ Roving Notary we are not attorneys and therefore, by law, we cannot explain or interpret the contents of any document for you. We cannot instruct you on how to complete a document. We cannot direct you on the advisability of signing a particular document. Please seek legal advice from a state of Arizona experienced and licensed attorney. This website is offered for informational and educational purposes and should not be considered legal advice.
*All notarizations are guaranteed to be done according to Arizona statutes and regulations. Paperwork accuracy is the responsibility of the document preparer.
**Last minute calls require 2 hours notice from the time of call to dispatch.
According to Arizona law, our notaries are not attorneys and are not licensed to practice law in Arizona. Our notaries are not allowed to draft legal records, give advice on legal matters, including immigration or charge a fee for those activities. Our notaries only responsibility is to provide the notary services as set forth by the laws and statutes of Arizona. At AZ Roving Notary we are not attorneys and therefore, by law, we cannot explain or interpret the contents of any document for you. We cannot instruct you on how to complete a document. We cannot direct you on the advisability of signing a particular document. Please seek legal advice from a state of Arizona experienced and licensed attorney. This website is offered for informational and educational purposes and should not be considered legal advice.
*All notarizations are guaranteed to be done according to Arizona statutes and regulations. Paperwork accuracy is the responsibility of the document preparer.
**Last minute calls require 2 hours notice from the time of call to dispatch.