AZ ROVING NOTARY is a Document Fulfillment, Management and Signing Agency. The Agency engages independently contracted and commissioned notaries in all 50 states to service documents requiring state specific venues, identification or technical requirements.
When you hire the AZ Roving Notary Agency, all payments are for engaging our agency services. The agency pays our notaries state specific regulated rates for the notarial acts they perform.

Notaries servicing your account must meet our high standards and are evaluated on an annual basis to continue working with our clients. We pay our notaries the state regulated rate based on their specific state laws.
These contracted notaries must be members of the National Notary Association. If needed, we can provide you with a Certified National Signing Agent. All of the notaries are bonded at their state limits and have personal Errors and Omissions Insurance.
All notaries are capable of performing traditional mobile paper signings, mobile in person electronic notarizations (iPEN) or remote online notarizations (RON - Virtual Notary). RIN (Remote Ink Notarization) is available from our notary staff located outside of Arizona.
RON and iPEN notaries are all certified on a variety of remote online notarization platforms. Some of the platforms we use include but are not limited to:
Secured Signing (US-Notaries in All States)
Pactima (US - Notaries in All States)
Signix (Notaries in Florida/Texas Only)
CyberizeIt (Notary in Montana Only)
Our team can expedite the Apostille or Authentication process for your US documents to be used in another country.
Notaries are assigned to clients based on specific state requirements. Currently our team consists of notaries from Arizona, Montana, Minnesota, North Dakota, Colorado, and Florida. Based on state requirements some of our notaries can use biometrics for ID Verification. If your state isn't listed, we can contract for services from one of our professional colleagues in that state. (Some of our notaries are not pictured below).
Work with the professional Notary Team who have helped law firms, financial planners and corporations throughout the United States and the world to bring Notary Services direct to their clients.
According to Arizona law, our notaries are not attorneys and are not licensed to practice law in Arizona. Our notaries are not allowed to draft legal records, give advice on legal matters, including immigration or charge a fee for those activities. Our notaries only responsibility is to provide the notary services as set forth by the laws and statutes of Arizona or in the state they hold a commission.
At AZ Roving Notary we are not attorneys and therefore, by law, we cannot explain or interpret the contents of any document for you. We cannot instruct you on how to complete a document. We cannot direct you on the advisability of signing a particular document. Please seek legal advice from a state of Arizona (or your state) experienced and licensed attorney. This website is offered for informational and educational purposes and should not be considered legal advice.