The Az Roving Notary Agency provides CONCIERGE LEVEL document execution and expediting services including: Remote Online Notarization and Secured and Trusted Signing Services for a Contracted Flat Fee.
Our notaries service the entire United States, the US Territories and Worldwide.
Our notaries service both US and Foreign Citizens.
Minimum Agency Package: US$75.00
AZ state regulated fee for a remote online notary is $10.00/Notarial Act. Notaries from other states are paid their state regulated fee. We pay the notary regulated fee direct to our independently contracted notaries.
You are contracting & paying The AZ Roving Notary Agency.
All payments to be made in advance by Credit Card via Electronic Invoice
Interested in Executing Your Estate Documents Electronically?
Is my Remote Online Notarized Document accepted in all 50 states?
If your document is notarized by a currently commissioned Arizona notary using online technology known as RON (Remote Online Notarization), it is VALID in all 50 states, US Territories and Washington, DC.
However, it is up to the signer to determine if the receiving party such as a recorder, court, corporation, state agency or other document recipient will ACCEPT the notarization completed with the RON process. This is not the responsibility of the notary or the AZ Roving Notary Agency to make this determination.

(Version 2024.11.14.02)
By paying your invoice you agree that you have read and accepted all of the terms and conditions of this transaction included on this document. Invoices are due upon receipt.
By paying your invoice you agree that you are doing business with the AZ Roving Notary Agency and not an individual notary. You are contracting with PowerVision360 Productions, LLC d/b/a AZ Roving Notary for this transaction. Included in your payment to our Agency is our payment to the notary of their state regulated fees for each notarial act performed and if applicable the state regulated mileage fee).
PowerVision360 Productions, LLC d/b/a AZ Roving Notary, its owners and its contracted notaries are only responsible for the proper notarization of your documents and are not responsible for the contents of your documents or the acceptance of your documents when you submit them to the receiving party.
Legal Disclaimer: The Venue for the Remote Online Notarization is the state in which the notary is located. Remote Online Notarizations are valid in all 50 states, US Territories, Washington DC and most countries. It is the responsibility of the client to pre-determine if the document will be accepted by the final receiving authority. If the document is to be used overseas, it is the client's responsiblity to determine if an apostille is required. Apostille Expediting is a separate fee.
Legal Disclaimer: It is the responsibility of the client to determine if the notarization will be accepted by the final recipient or if there are any special state requirements such as a drawn signature instead of a typed or uploaded signature.
Legal Disclaimer: Our employees, contractors and notaries are not attorneys and as such under Arizona law cannot provide you with legal advice. Our team members may not make additions, deletions or changes to your documents. All blanks except for initials, dates and signature must be filled in prior to the notarization. All questions pertaining to your documents should be addressed to your legal advisor or document originator.
Legal Disclaimer: The notaries who complete the notarial certificates verify the identity of the signer and not the truthfulness, accuracy, contents or validity of the document. Notaries confirm that the signer - signed the document.
Suzanne Feinberg, General Manager
PowerVision360 Productions, LLC d/b/a AZ Roving Notary
Tel: (602) 770-7149
- Document(s) must be submitted in the final file format (flattened PDF) no later than one (1) US Business day in advance of the session. Please remove all security and password protection from the document prior to sending the PDF to the notary. If your signing is on a day following a weekend or federal holiday, your final document(s) must be submitted no later than 12:00pm Arizona time the previous business day.
- Required information for each signer in the session: email address, telephone number, and type of ID must be submitted along with the final document(s). This includes all principal signers, witnesses, credible witnesses and guests (observers).
- Valid Foreign Passports cannot be processed by an Arizona Notary. If you have a foreign passport an Arizona notary can notarize your document using a credible witness. Or, your document can be processed by one of our notaries located in a state that allows for foreign ID using biometrics. It is your responsibility to see if the receiving party will accept a notary not commissioned in Arizona.
Pre-payment is required to schedule a session. Payment must be made at least one (1) US Business day iin US Dollars (US$) n advance to avoid rush charges. If your payment is due on a day following a weekend or federal holiday, your payment must be submitted no later than 12:00pm Arizona time the previous business day. Payment for all services and other charges are in US dollars only.
- Quotes: Prices quotes are submitted via email and are valid for 10 days from the date of the email. New quotes must be obtained after the quote has expired.
- Electronic Invoice: Sent via an email with a payment button. Payment can be made with a credit card directly from the invoice. No additional charge will be assessed for payment with a credit card. Alternative payment is by Zelle or PayPal through special arrangements. All monies paid are in US dollars only. Depending on your method of payment, your statement will reflect our corporate name: PowerVision360 Productions or our business name: AZ Roving Notary.
- Rush Charges: Same Day remote online notarizations require up to a 50% rush charge. Same day service depends on full payment of the invoice and the availability of a notary to both prepare the signing and complete an online session. No session will be scheduled with less than 4 hours notice.
- Regular Business Hours: Sessions must start during our regularly scheduled business hours of Monday through Friday, 8:30am - 5:00pm, excluding federal holidays. All other start times are considered Premium Hours. Sessions during Premium hours are available for an additional charge assessed from $50.00-$100.00.
- Once payment is received, the final version of your document(s) can be uploaded and can no longer be revised without an additional pre-paid document update charge.
- Payment on your invoice is final and is non-refundable except for the reasons noted in our Refund Policy.
- Rejected credit cards after a job is completed or a stop payment on a check happens after a job is started, you will be assessed an Arizona mandated amount of $25 to cover the returned funds from the back as well as the credit card charges for charging the assignment. You will still be responsible for reimbursing the full amount.
Sessions may be rescheduled for any reason with any amount of notice. Sessions may be rescheduled during the session. Rescheduling time and date is based upon notary availability.
Rescheduling Fee: Between 0-50% of the invoice paid.
Document Updating Fee: In addition to the Rescheduling Fee, if you reschedule, documents may require updating based on the date and time of the rescheduled session. This will be taken into account when determining the reschedule fee.
A reschedule fee between 0-50%% of the total invoice plus any document updating charges will be assessed should the session fail due to the following issues:
- Failure of any participant’s computer, internet, or other technical requirements of the session;
- Failure of any participant’s Knowledge Based Authentication Quiz after 2 attempts
- Failure of any participant’s Credential Analysis
- Failure to appear in the session after a 10 minute grace period from the start time.
No reschedule fees or document update charges will be assessed should the session fail due to the following issues:
- Failure of the notary’s computer;
- Failure of the notary’s internet;
- Failure of the RON platform
Our notaries strive to be accurate and follow all of the laws, statutes and regulations of the state where they are commissioned. Should the notary make an error on the notarial certificate that you provided (or on the notarial certificate you requested from the notary), AZ Roving Notary will reschedule a session to correct the error at no charge to you. Should the error be the fault of the signer — i.e. you requested an acknowledgement and really required a jurat — this will be considered a new transaction and will require a new invoice in full and a new session to be scheduled.
If you do not reschedule within 30 days of the notification to reschedule, you will not receive a refund. If you reschedule after the 30 days you will be invoiced for a new transaction.
All refunds take between 1-10 days based on the method used to pay the invoice. Depending on the length of time between payment and refund, we may have to issue a check rather than refund with the original payment method.
- We reserve the right to cancel any transaction for any reason at any time during the process. Upon notification of our exercising our right to cancellation you will receive a refund less $25.00.
- Failure to pass the Knowledge Based Authentication Quiz or the Credential Analysis process is not a valid reason for a refund under our refund policy and you will not receive a refund. You will always have the option to add a credible witness and reschedule the session for an additional fee.
- It is the responsibility of the signer to determine in advance of booking a session that a remote online notarization will be accepted by a receiving agency. A refund will not be issued should your receiving agent refuse to accept the completed remote online notarized document(s).
- Please note some email services or VPN's put the invitations from the platform into your junk, spam or promotions folder. Refer to your email provider for instructions for adding senders to your Safe or Approved List. The claim to have not received the invitation is not a valid reason for a refund under our refund policy. If you need us to resend emails or have other concerns or questions, please contact us by phone or email.
- If you make payment on an invoice and do not schedule your session within 30 days, your order will be considered abandoned as a such not subject to any refunds. Cancelling without rescheduling within 30 days will be considered abandoning the transaction and is not eligible for a refund in part or in full.
Remote Online Notarizations performed by a properly commissioned notary are valid in all 50 states by reciprocal law. It is the responsibility of the client to determine with the final document recipient that a document notarized with the RON process is acceptable for that recipient. AZ Roving Notary, its contracted notaries and its platform providers are not liable if a RON is performed and then fails to be accepted by the client's recipient agency.
AZ Roving Notary, owners, managers, employees and independently contracted notaries are not liable for any errors in documents provided by the client. It is the client's responsibility to check for document accuracy and legal status with their legal advisor or document originator prior to sharing the document with the notary.
AZ Roving Notary is a signing agency using independently contracted notaries. All of our independent notaries are paid their respective state regulated notary fees from the proceeds of your contracted transaction with the agency. The client is never responsible for paying the notary fee direct to the notary.
AZ Roving Notary and its owners/members/managers are only liable for the amount of the transaction invoice and any additional platform charges that may have been incurred for the session.
AZ Roving Notary takes no responsibility for the work performed or errors committed by our independently contracted notaries other than repeating the transaction at no charge to the client with a different notary. The maximum liability to AZ Roving Notary or any of its Owners/Members/Managers is the amount of the invoice and any additional platform assessed charges for the transaction.
PowerVision360 Productions, LLC d/b/a AZ Roving Notary is only liable for damages not more than the full amount of the invoice regardless of claim against it.
PowerVision360 Productions, LLC d/b/a AZ Roving Notary's only responsibility in case of disputes is to repeat the session a second time to resolve any notarization issues or refund the full amount of the invoice. PowerVision 360 Productions LLC d/b/a AZ Roving Notary is not liable for any claims made against the documents notarized by our agency notaries.
PowerVision360 Productions, LLC d/b/a AZ Roving Notary, it's owners and its contracted notaries are not responsible for any penalties incurred by the client for lateness or delays in the notarization session or delivery of documents to client (or client's designated recipient if not direct to the client) as it relates to the validity and viability of the document for the recipient. The client takes full responsibility for informing the document recipient if there are any delays and client takes full responsibility for the damages caused by the delay.
The notary is legally tied to the document. Any disputes arising from documents that might be improperly notarized will be resolved between the client and the notary (or the platform provider) as follows: The claim must be made in writing to the AZ Roving Notary company contact person listed above via the email address provided above. AZ Roving Notary will provide a new signing session at no charge to the client if the notary is found to have improperly notarized a document(s). The signer may choose to have the original notary and platform, or AZ Roving Notary will provide another notary and platform to perform the repeated signing ceremony.
Normal Business Hours:
Monday-Friday 8:30am - 5:00pm (No Weekends or Federal Holidays)
Premium Business Hours: All Other Times Including Nights, Weekends and Federal Holidays
AZ Administrative Rules (2020):
Only 2 attempts to pass ID verification are allowed within 24 hours.
"If the remotely located signer fails the second attempt, the signer is not allowed to retry with the same online notary public within 24 hours of the second failed attempt..."
NOTE: Most online platforms use the same database information based on social security number for the knowledge based authentication quiz. Therefore if you fail twice on one platform, you won't be able to pass using another notary and another platform. You will need to wait the 24 hours to remove the lockout on your KBA attempts.
The State of Arizona commissions notaries to perform only these three notarial acts:
- Acknowledgement or Jurat
- Oath or Affirmation
- Copy Certification (Not available on RON platforms at this time)
The State of Arizona (A.R.S. §§ 41-316) regulates notarial fees that may be charged for the three acts. At the AZRN agency, we pay all of our notaries the maximum state regulated fee of $10.00/stamp(act) or if the notary is commissioned in a different state - the notary will be paid their respective state regulated rate. See the AZ state regulated fee chart: CLICK HERE
Work with the ARIZONA Remote Online Notary Service who has helped law firms, title/escrow companies, and financial planners throughout Arizona to bring Notary Services direct to their clients via online technology.
Legal Disclaimer: According to Arizona law, our notaries are not attorneys and are not licensed to practice law in Arizona. Our notaries are not allowed to draft legal records, give advice on legal matters, including immigration or charge a fee for those activities. Our notaries only responsibility is to provide the notary services as set forth by the laws and statutes of Arizona. At AZ Roving Notary we are not attorneys and therefore, by law, we cannot explain or interpret the contents of any document for you. We cannot instruct you on how to complete a document. We cannot direct you on the advisability of signing a particular document. We cannot advise you as to the type of notarial certificate you should use for your document. Please seek legal advice from a state of Arizona experienced and licensed attorney. This website is offered for informational and educational purposes and should not be considered legal advice.
*All notarizations are guaranteed to be done according to Arizona statutes and regulations. Paperwork accuracy is the responsibility of the document preparer.
**Same day orders require 4 hours notice from the time of call to dispatch if we have availability.