Do you have more than one Document to be notarized in a single online session?
If the answer is Yes - then you need to know this critical detail to properly notarize more than one document.
The Remote Online Notary process "SEALS" the documents you upload and notarize into a permanent, non-editable format. If you place all of your documents into one file, then your documents will permanently be sealed together and cannot be separated for delivery to separate recipients. The consequence of sealing all documents into one file, is that confidential or private information will be shared with all recipients rather than just the specified document recipient.
What does this mean for you or your client?
As an example, are you providing your client with a complete estate document package to be notarized online? Maybe you have a husband/wife or partner/partner situation and both are updating their Estate packages. If you choose have these documents uploaded into one "JUMBO" transaction, the documents for both parties will be "sealed" into one file. You or your client will have to deliver all documents as one Packet (set) to each recipient. The package cannot be separated into two separate sets of documents. The best practice is to have each document uploaded separately for individualized notarization.
A second example is hiring a signing agent to notarize a set of loan closing documents online. Typically, there are about 16-20 documents in a set usually requiring multiple notarizations. If you choose to upload these documents into one "jumbo" transaction, all the documents will be sealed together. So, if everything is sealed into one package, every recipient will receive everything in the package. The consequence could be that items that have to be recorded are rejected, or every recipient might be able to see private and confidential information not meant for that recipient..
So why does this happen and how do you prevent it from happening?
The reason is usually budget, convenience and/or lack of attention to detail. Usually, it is less expensive to notarize a "set" as opposed to uploading, notarizing and sealing the documents individually. It is less convenient to break the package apart as it transfers from the lawyer or title company to the notary. Or it could be that the person uploading the documents is unaware of the best practice to separate the documents.
At AZ Roving Notary - we have established a BEST PRACTICE for remote online notarizations. We always keep documents separate for notarization and sealing purposes so that you and your client can deliver individual documents to the correct recipients without having to share confidential information not meant for non-approved "eyes".
What is the best method for uploading documents?
When delivering all documents to the notary or when you are uploading the documents yourself, be sure to have every document in its own file. The file type most widely accepted is the PDF file. Most Remote Online Notarization platforms allow you to upload into a single file or into multiple files - choose the option for multiple files. The best systems only offer you one choice - Upload a File. When that is finished the system will offer you the ability to upload an additional file(s). For many Remote Online Notarization platforms such as DocVerify, the notary must upload the documents - so be sure to specify that you want the documents to be "sealed" separately.
If you choose to go with our Enterprise solution - you will always be able to upload the documents for your client or customer. You will also be able to "sit in" on the remote session to answer any questions that may arise during the process. And, you will be able to receive a copy of the notarized documents if required. A huge advantage of the Enterprise solution is that we know how you do business with your clients, and help you to maintain that relationship through consistent, competent and confidential service.
Do you have questions regarding Remote Online Notarization? At AZ Roving Notary, we are glad to answer any of your questions regarding this technology. We will help you determine if your documents qualify for online notarization, test your equipment to see if you are able to participate and walk you through the process step by step.